Precise and efficient
equipment inventory services.
Efficient equipment management and regulatory compliance require effective asset tracking. Periodic inventories help identify inconsistencies in records and ensure consistent naming conventions, but these can be challenging due to limited time and resources. Budget Guard simplifies this task with streamlined services. Whether you need turnkey solutions or just project management and database cleansing, Budget Guard has the expertise to complete the job precisely and efficiently.
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Budget Guard’s innovative
SystemsRx platform offers:
- Physical inventory and database clean-up services
- A complete and accurate inventory of your equipment
- Best practices for maintaining an accurate inventory
Lets begin the conversation!
The Budget Guard Difference
The inventory team performs a wall-to-wall physical inventory, utilizing data capture tools and project management frameworks, to complete this portion of the project.
SystemsRx, our proprietary equipment management software, collects and captures all equipment details through mobile technology, verifying asset identifiers and nameplates to ensure comprehensive data.
We then map all assets using industry-specific nomenclature, internal department and
account codes, and lifecycle milestones such as acquisition cost, date, and estimated useful life.
Through our physical inventory, we identify equipment assets that are:
- In your existing database but not found in your facilities
- Found in your facilities but not listed in your current database
- Found and verified but have missing or inaccurate data

Once complete, this clean data reflects your true Equipment Assets Inventory.
Maintaining relevant data saves you time and money, while ensuring regulatory compliance.
One step further: Service Contract Verification
Does your current service contract management system collect equipment asset
details or properly monitor equipment additions or deletions?
If not, your organization may be at risk for regulatory non-compliance, equipment downtime, and unnecessary expenses.
Budget Guard offers a structured contract verification service in addition to any asset inventory and data cleaning project. This ensures that the equipment covered by a service contract is still active.
We collect your equipment service contracts, then identify assets listed in these contracts that were not found in your facilities during physical inventory.
You can use this information to update your active service contracts, seek credits from
contractors when applicable, and develop a customized Equipment Maintenance Insurance program.
Once your equipment inventory is complete, it's time to cover your assets.
Learn more about Budget Guard Equipment Maintenance Insurance:

Partner with us today and unlock the full potential of your equipment management strategy.